Friday, October 17, 2008

Marble Family Reunion

Gotta love family reunions...on the outside everyone looks happy, content and all is right with the world...well as Paul Harvey would for the rest of the story. All families are alike, dysfunction comes in all races, colors, creeds, white collar, blue collar, white trash, redneck and what ever else you want to call it...but at the end of the day we are all still family and we have deep roots to each other. In my case my roots for the Marble family are to Larry who was married to Leanne who is a technically I am truly the outsider. Leanne has a wonderful family. I love her sisters, Jenae, Linda and Emilee...Leanne was lucky to have such nice sisters to grow up with. From them are super spouses, awesome kids and wonderful grand kids. I loved being with all of them and watching everyone catch up with each is family and whether we are getting along or not, whether we like someone or not, well the list goes on... at the end of the day we are family and we are all bound by the spirit.. whether we are same flesh or by marriage we are bound by the spirit and will have the opportunity to enjoy each other as our time progresses whether here on earth or in the eternities. So it is always best at these functions to make the best, to think the best and to be the best so we can enjoy the best in the life to come.

So thanks to all those that made me feel welcomed and part of the family...I feel touched and honored to be a part of this group!

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