Friday, December 5, 2008

Friday Fill in's

Another idea I stole from Ali! Called Friday Fill In' here it is...feel free to follow this is idea here.

1.Snow where is it?
2. I'm looking forward to so many things...Christmas, seeing family, snow, playing cards with Paul and Elaine, shopping Monday with my friend, teaching my Primary Class and just staying home enjoying my man!
3. Coke(the real thing) is the best soda pop ever!
4. One of my favorite old TV shows is Night Court, still funny after all these years.
5. I'm done with Christmas shopping....NOT!!!!
6. The most enjoyable thing around the holidays is lights, food, family, Christmas trees, decorations, Temple Square and the celebration of Jesus' birth. (OK I said that because I need some points from above...I do mean it but I am transparent at times and this is one of those times!)
7. And as for the weekend, tonight I'm looking forward to cards with Paul and Elaine, tomorrow my plans include Glen Beck's performance at the E Center (really though we have to go to West Valley? I feel about West Valley like I do Aurora in Colorado...when you have to have a token to use the rest room at Mickey D's it's got to be telling you something) and Sunday, I want to make it through Sacrament without sleeping! Amen!

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