Wednesday, January 21, 2009

The Nose Knows

The nose is a great thing...except when you have to have surgery on it....ou wee (haven't a clue how to spell that one)...Surgery went well to day and thanks to Dr. Summers he got everything on the first you can see with the crater that Larry had on his nose..

This is when they were getting ready to stitch it back together again...seems impossible with this big of hole but it looked pretty good when the Dr. was done. Larry will have a nice character scare.
The Dr. didn't use any grafting or patching...he just pulled the bottom layer of skin together and stitched and then pulled the top layer over that...the stitches will self absorb in about a week and in a month all should look fine...I will probably give a daily pic on my other blog so look for updates...

Larry is now home and resting comfortably (thanks to 2 lortabs, a foot massage, 1 large diet coke and 2 hot chocolates) and of course the ever kind and loving Nurse Ratchet!

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