Tuesday, January 27, 2015


Love going to the pool early in the morning. Right now the air outside is crisp and clean and so refreshing. Inside the pool area is warm and inviting. The water feels like warm silk against your skin. Yes I could live in the water. When I was a kid that is where I always was...if you couldn't find me I was in the pool at my friends house. I loved it there. Something about water that makes me feel alive. When I was pregnant with my daughters (who were due in the summer) those last few months I would head to the pool to get relief. I can't explain why but I know that is where I love to be the most. So a few years ago when I made a new friend we headed off to the pool to get some exercise. Best decision for me and I have an awesome friend because of it. Now my husband has finally seen the light and he is joining me in the water. I love being able to spend that time with him! Usually I am not into the astrological signs but mine is Aquarius which is water. So heres to being the best noodle floater at the pool!

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