Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Sisters in Zion

My gratitude goes to all of my sweet sisters that I know. I am not just talking about church members but all the women I know that are remarkable. When we can break the barrier and share moments with each other, when we really bare our souls or peal away a layer or two because of someone else...these bonds formed are priceless! So here is to all of you that I know and have shared life with. Thank you for taking the chance on me, sharing your soul with me, trusting the sacredness of your plight with me. All these things give me the courage to keep going. This life is wonderful...just some days it's more wonderful than others...(that's my way of saying ok today is absolute crap but tomorrow can be ok). But with out each other to turn to where would we be. The men in our lives are a necessary evil (ok not the best compliment but come on you guys really challenge us and bring out an evil twin we really didn't know we had! Sometimes we even make Freddy Kruger like like Mother Theresa our behaviour is so out of control!) But without a sisterhood we would be very lonely...we love to talk, we love to compliment each other, we love the diversity that all our women friends bring...we love the beauty and individuality...we admire each other...we snipe at each other, we meow at each other but in the end we hold on to each other and are fiercely loyal to that bond that we have created. So thank you is inadequate to express the passion that I feel toward all my wonderful women friends. Just know that even though we may not talk every day and some we may not have spoken in many years...I know what you did for me...and that will always be close to my heart and treasured.

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